New Customer Account Page

May 24, 2023

Showpass’ newly updated Customer Account page provides an improved customer experience for your attendees while managing their purchases, ensuring hassle-free ticket purchasing experience that enhances their overall experience with your events.

Our newly updated Customer Account page provides an improved customer experience for customers while managing their purchases. With a new page layout that enables ease of navigation between profile menu options, detailed order information, and the ability to independently manage their purchases via the 'Order Options' tab, customers will have complete control over their tickets, products and memberships. This new design ensures a simple way for your customers to manage their tickets, saving them time and effort while enhancing their overall experience with your events.

This updated page provides several key benefits to event organizers and their customers. Firstly, the improved customer experience through more detailed order information ensures that attendees can quickly and easily view their purchases without any confusion. Secondly, this new design ensures that your attendees are able to independently manage their purchases via the ‘Order Options’ tab. It features options for the customer to contact the organizer, transfer tickets and resend their confirmation email, reducing the burden on event staff assisting with these client concerns, and in turn, ensuring a smooth and efficient event. Finally, the page update provides helpful order information such as the ‘Order ID,’ ‘Purchase Date,’ ‘Paid,’ ‘Payment’ and the ‘Receipt Download.’

For any questions regarding this update, please reach out to your Client Success Manager.